Who can Submit?
Scientists, Academics, and Students
from a wide range of disciplines—human factors, industrial engineering, occupational health, occupational safety, disability prevention, health policy, epidemiology, economics, medicine, physical therapy, kinesiology, ergonomics, public health and more—whose research addresses musculoskeletal health issues.
including physicians, chiropractors, osteopaths, physiotherapists, kinesiologists, occupational therapists, occupational health nurses, clinical psychologists.
Workplace-based practitioners in occupational health and safety, disability management and return-to-work.

Key Dates
Abstract Acceptance Notification
May 31, 2023
Email Notification will be sent
Early Bird Registration Closes
June 15, 2023
Book your Seat
All proposals will undergo review by the Scientific Committee.
Submitting the Abstract
Once an abstract is submitted, the submitter will receive a confirmation email directly from the system no-reply@pheedloop.com with an individual portal link associated with the “Edit Application Here” button within the email.
If an abstract submission is incomplete and not submitted, the system will issue a reminder email with a link to access the submission in progress.
Submitters are asked to whitelist the domain pheedloop.com and/or mark no-reply@pheedloop.com as a safe sender in their inbox to ensure delivery of any important communications.
For the best user experience use Google Chrome. A note that the submission portal does not work on Internet Explorer. For more information on system and internet requirements please click here.
Submission Guidelines
Symposia /
Font & Size
Arial, 11 pt
Arial, 11 pt
Arial, 11 pt
Upper case and limited to 25 words
Upper case and limited to 25 words
Upper case and limited to 25 words
Short Descriptive
Summary / Abstract
Limited to 250 words
Limited to 250 words
Limited to 350 words including references and acknowledgement
Detailed Description & justification of its
current importance
Limited to 1000 words
Limited to 1500 words (including all the submissions). The leader of the session should be specified who should submit the proposal.
Not Required
List of Presenters /
Authors details
Details of the presenter including short curriculum vitae (limited to 1 page).
Family name followed by the first name (Maninder Singh and John Francis Peter should be written as Singh M and Peter JF respectively)
Affiliation details: Department, Institution / Hospital, City & State (if relevant), Country
Details with the program chair, including a short curriculum vitae (limited to 1 page) of each presenter.
Family name followed by the first name (Maninder Singh and John Francis Peter should be written as Singh M and Peter JF respectively)
Affiliation details: Department, Institution / Hospital, City & State (if relevant), Country
Family name followed by the first name (Maninder Singh and John Francis Peter should be written as Singh M and Peter JF respectively)
Affiliation details: Department, Institution /Hospital, City & State (if relevant), Country
Proposal/ Abstract Format
The Proposal should clearly state:
Justification of the topic to the conference theme
The Proposal should clearly state:
Justification of the topic to the conference theme
Target audience and limit
Abstracts should clearly state:
All abstracts must be submitted in English.
Use only standard abbreviations. Place special or unusual abbreviations in parentheses after the full word the first time it appears.
You will receive a confirmation via email after you have submitted your proposal.
All submissions must be completed through the online portal for PREMUS, WDPI, & MYOPAIN 2023 to accept the submissions.
Proposals submitted by email will not be accepted.
After the deadline, no changes will be accepted.
If you are unable to submit proposals via the website, please contact info@premus2023.com
Abstracts should be submitted in a format ready for publication.
Please proofread to avoid any typographic or grammatical errors.
Authors should prepare their abstracts in advance using any standard word processing system, and then ‘copy and paste’ the elements from the word processing document into the appropriate spaces in the submission system.
Please do not include author names, references, acknowledgements, figures, images, or tables in your abstract body. There are separate sections for the author list and a figure/table for the abstract.
Figures uploaded will not be published but will be reviewed during adjudication.
A figure/image/table is strongly recommended to be included for workshop, symposium submissions. Omission of a figure/image/table in these categories will lower the score of your abstract during the evaluation process.
All submissions should include the first cycle results. Audits must be completed in time to present interventions and second cycle data at PREMUS, WDPI, & MYOPAIN 2023.
Work-in-progress is only acceptable for extremely innovative or interesting approaches.
During the submission process, authors must specify if the abstract was accepted elsewhere and include the date, location and event. This does not disqualify an abstract from being selected.
Abstracts of published research studies are ineligible for submission.
You can edit or delete your abstract online at any time before the abstract deadline. If you wish to withdraw your abstract after that date you must inform us in writing via email at info@premus2023.com.
The Scientific and Educational Competitions Judging Committee reserves the right to re-allocate abstracts submitted to incorrect categories and will notify the submitting author.
The PREMUS, WDPI, & MYOPAIN 2023 committee reserves the right to change the number of oral sessions, prizes and categories depending on number and strength of submitted abstracts.
Oral presentations and e-posters would be allowed to be presented in virtual mode (pre-recorded). The presenters would have to attend to answer questions live.
your submission
If you are accepted
If your abstract is accepted, but you are not selected to present an oral presentation, you will be offered a digital display opportunity.
Detailed notifications of acceptance and guidelines for presentation will be sent by email (date to be confirmed).
Presenting authors must be registered and are required to pay the applicable registration fee and all other expenses involved in attending PREMUS, WDPI, & MYOPAIN 2023.
For more information about abstracts please contact us at info@premus2023.com
Note: Proposals or changes received after the deadline will not be considered.
Submission of a proposal acknowledges the author’s acceptance for the proposal to be published in the official congress publications.
The program chair / presenting author is required to ensure that all co-presenters / co-authors are aware of the content of the proposal before submission.
No changes will be made to submitted and accepted proposals.
Key Awards
The best 3 oral presentations and posters would be given certificates.
Young Researcher Award for e-Poster Presentation (Eligibility - less than 10 years post-doc).
Student Researcher Award for e-Poster Presentation (Eligibility - Masters / Ph.D. students).
Competitive Grants – Registration Fee Waiver for 5 students or applicants from low, and low-and-middle-income countries (based on accepted abstracts).
Abstract proposals must be submitted via the conference website only.
Categories of Submission
Oral Presentation
Round Table
Pre-Conference Workshop
10 minutes
3 min, 5 slides
20 minutes
90 minutes
90 minutes
3 hours
8 hours
Post-Conference Workshop
8 hours
2 hours
Who can Submit?
Scientists, Academics, and Students
from a wide range of disciplines—human factors, industrial engineering, occupational health, occupational safety, disability prevention, health policy, epidemiology, economics, medicine, physical therapy, kinesiology, ergonomics, public health and more—whose research addresses musculoskeletal health issues.
including physicians, chiropractors, osteopaths, physiotherapists, kinesiologists, occupational therapists, occupational health nurses, clinical psychologists.
Workplace-based practitioners in occupational health and safety, disability management and return-to-work.
Key Dates
Abstract Submission Deadline
May 15, 2023
Learn more...
Abstract Acceptance Notification
June 15, 2023
Email Notification will be sent
Early Bird Registration Closes
June 15, 2023
Book your Seat
Deadline to Confirm Acceptance
May 31, 2023
Learn more...
All proposals will undergo review by the Scientific Committee.
Submitting the Abstract
Once an abstract is submitted, the submitter will receive a confirmation email directly from the system no-reply@pheedloop.com with an individual portal link associated with the “Edit Application Here” button within the email.
If an abstract submission is incomplete and not submitted, the system will issue a reminder email with a link to access the submission in progress.
Submitters are asked to whitelist the domain pheedloop.com and/or mark no-reply@pheedloop.com as a safe sender in their inbox to ensure delivery of any important communications.
For the best user experience use Google Chrome. A note that the submission portal does not work on Internet Explorer. For more information on system and internet requirements please click here.
For Symposia / Workshops
Limited to 1500 words (including all the submissions). The leader of the session should be specified who should submit the proposal.
Submission Guidelines
Font and Size
Arial, 11 pt
Uppercase and limited to 25 words
Short Descriptive Summary / Abstract Text
For Lectures
Limited to 250 words
Detailed Description & justification of its
current importance
For Lectures
Limited to 1000 words
List of Presenters / Authors Details
For Lectures
Details of the presenter including short curriculum vitae (limited to 1 page).
Family name followed by the first name (Maninder Singh and John Francis Peter should be written as Singh M and Peter JF respectively)
Affiliation details: Department, Institution / Hospital, City & State (if relevant), Country
For Symposia / Workshops
Details of the presenter including short curriculum vitae (limited to 1 page) of each presenter.
Family name followed by the first name (Maninder Singh and John Francis Peter should be written as Singh M and Peter JF respectively)
Affiliation details: Department, Institution / Hospital, City & State (if relevant), Country
For Oral / Poster Presentation
Family name followed by the first name (Maninder Singh and John Francis Peter should be written as Singh M and Peter JF respectively)
Affiliation details: Department, Institution /Hospital, City & State (if relevant), Country
Proposal/ Abstract Format
For Lectures
The Proposal should clearly state:
Justification of the topic to the conference theme
For Symposia / Workshops
The Proposal should clearly state:
Justification of the topic to the conference theme
Target audience and limit
For Oral / Poster Submission
Abstracts should clearly state:
For Symposia / Workshops
Limited to 250 words
For Oral / Poster Presentation
Limited to 350 words including references and acknowledgement
For Oral / Poster Presentation
Not Required
your submission
All abstracts must be submitted in English.
Use only standard abbreviations. Place special or unusual abbreviations in parentheses after the full word the first time it appears.
You will receive a confirmation via email after you have submitted your proposal.
All submissions must be completed through the online portal for PREMUS, WDPI, & MYOPAIN 2023 to accept the submissions.
Proposals submitted by email will not be accepted.
After the deadline, no changes will be accepted.
If you are unable to submit proposals via the website, please contact info@premus2023.com
Abstracts should be submitted in a format ready for publication.
Please proofread to avoid any typographic or grammatical errors.
Authors should prepare their abstracts in advance using any standard word processing system, and then ‘copy and paste’ the elements from the word processing document into the appropriate spaces in the submission system.
Please do not include author names, references, acknowledgements, figures, images, or tables in your abstract body. There are separate sections for the author list and a figure/table for the abstract.
Figures uploaded will not be published but will be reviewed during adjudication.
A figure/image/table is strongly recommended to be included for workshop, symposium submissions. Omission of a figure/image/table in these categories will lower the score of your abstract during the evaluation process.
All submissions should include the first cycle results. Audits must be completed in time to present interventions and second cycle data at PREMUS, WDPI, & MYOPAIN 2023.
Work-in-progress is only acceptable for extremely innovative or interesting approaches.
During the submission process, authors must specify if the abstract was accepted elsewhere and include the date, location and event. This does not disqualify an abstract from being selected.
Abstracts of published research studies are ineligible for submission.
You can edit or delete your abstract online at any time before the abstract deadline. If you wish to withdraw your abstract after that date you must inform us in writing via email at info@premus2023.com.
The Scientific and Educational Competitions Judging Committee reserves the right to re-allocate abstracts submitted to incorrect categories and will notify the submitting author.
The PREMUS, WDPI, & MYOPAIN 2023 committee reserves the right to change the number of oral sessions, prizes and categories depending on number and strength of submitted abstracts.
Note: Proposals or changes received after the deadline will not be considered.
Submission of a proposal acknowledges the author’s acceptance for the proposal to be published in the official congress publications.
The program chair / presenting author is required to ensure that all co-presenters / co-authors are aware of the content of the proposal before submission.
No changes will be made to submitted and accepted proposals.
For more information about abstracts please contact us at info@premus2023.com
If you are accepted
If your abstract is accepted, but you are not selected to present an oral presentation, you will be offered a digital display opportunity.
Detailed notifications of acceptance and guidelines for presentation will be sent by email (date to be confirmed).
Presenting authors must be registered and are required to pay the applicable registration fee and all other expenses involved in attending PREMUS, WDPI, & MYOPAIN 2023.

Get ready to showcase your research skills and vie for a chance to win the prestigious awards
All the accepted abstracts and selected full papers will be allotted a DOI and published in the Indian Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine-IJOEM (ISSN-0973-2284), the official publication of the Indian Association of Occupational Health.
This prestigious open access journal is Indexed in PubMed Central and does not require Article Processing Charges.

The Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation is considering a special series of articles based on presentations at the conference.

Ergonomics is bringing out a special issue comprising selected papers from the conference.
All the accepted abstracts and selected full papers will be allotted a DOI and published in the Indian Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine-IJOEM (ISSN-0973-2284), the official publication of the Indian Association of Occupational Health.
This prestigious open-access journal is Indexed in PubMed Central and does not require Article Processing Charges.

The Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation is considering a special series of articles based on a presentation at the conference.

Ergonomics is bringing out a special issue comprising selected papers from the conference.